Saturday, June 5, 2010

Blue and gold

I have been working with a lot of blue and gold lately. These are a collection of drawings which shows the direction my illustration work is going. Inspired by medieval art, I am interested in creating frames within the work to house the figures, similar to golden vessel bird bath. I have been continuing with this motif and have an illustration published in the next edition of Voiceworks in this style. I am also interested in the intricate pattern work of knitted jumpers, and am at the moment working on a collection of tiny knitted soldiers, which I will draw, then hopeful turn into felt toys (which will take ages so I might leave that till winter break). And continuing on from my 'lungfish' series, I am bringing my new love of blue and gold to the street, working on some sticker graffiti. Look for some down Guildford Lane, around Swinburne Hawthorn campus and various spots around the city.

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